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Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Authors who help Authors: Mary Anne Yarde & The Coffee Pot Book Club

This week in the mini-series about supportive authors, I'm delighted to welcome Mary Anne Yarde, founder of the Coffee Pot Book Club:

AW: Welcome Mary Anne! Firstly may I ask what inspired you to set up the Coffee Pot Book Club and how does it work?

MAY: The Coffee Pot Book Club (formally Myths, Legends, Books, and Coffee Pots) was founded in 2015. I wanted to create a platform that would help Historical Fiction, Historical Romance and Historical Fantasy authors promote their books and find that sometimes elusive audience. The Coffee Pot Book Club soon became the place for readers to meet new authors (both traditionally published and independently) and discover their fabulous books.

I became a professional editorial reviewer in 2016, and by 2017 I became an influencer for the Historical Fiction genre. Since then, The Coffee Pot Book Club has grown from strength to strength. With a dedicated team, The Coffee Pot Book Club helps their clients get their books in front of the right audience. We offer everything from Editorial Reviews to Instagram Weekends, Tweet Blasts to Blog Tours. We also bring our clients exclusive deals from other book marketing companies such as BooksGoSocial, Readers’ Favorite and MockupShots. All of our promotions are affordable and there is something for every budget. 

AW: Sounds like a comprehensive service! Can you explain a little more about blog tours - how do they work and how do they help authors? 

MAY: With the age of the internet and modern technology, the way books are marketed is changing. Unlike conventional book tours, a blog tour is a virtual tour on a number of relevant blogs. Virtual tours are a fabulous way to get your book in front of the audience you want to target.

We are slightly different from other tour companies because we will promote each tour stop through our own social media networks - Twitter, #Bookstagram (Instagram), Facebook, LinkedIn and Goodreads. The focus of all our tour is for our clients to gain exposure and to help build a fan base.

AW: Of course, you are also a writer of an acclaimed series of books. Can you tell us a little about them, and do you have anything in the pipeline? 

MAY: The Du Lac Chronicles are a series of books based on the generation after King Arthur, following the lives of Lancelot Du Lac’s sons. What was originally meant as a trilogy is currently sitting at five books and the story is not yet complete. I have always been fascinated with this era of history and started writing the series many years ago, with several stories that never saw the light of day. The Du Lac Chronicles was finally published in 2016 and the books continued from there, with characters that hadn’t been in the original plans making their ways into the story and creating integral roles for themselves.

I am currently taking a break from writing, due to the popularity of The Coffee Pot Book Club and the time demands that it puts upon me. Therefore, unfortunately, I do not have any plans to publish this year, for book six has barely begun, and the story deserves not to be rushed.

AW: Thanks so much for talking to me today!

You can find out more about The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour Packages here:

If you have any questions about any of our tour packages, drop us a line:

The Coffee Pot Book Club is always on the lookout for hosts to join our Blog Tour Team. If you would like to become a host, then please drop us a link:

The Du Lac Chronicles Buy Links

Amazon UK:

Amazon US:


Mary Anne Yarde is a multi award -winning author of the international bestselling Series—The Du Lac Chronicles. Born in Bath, England, Mary Anne Yarde grew up in the southwest of England, surrounded and influenced by centuries of history and mythology. Glastonbury—the fabled Isle of Avalon—was a mere fifteen-minute drive from her home, and tales of King Arthur and his knights were part of her childhood.


The Coffee Pot Book Club Website:

The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog:






  1. Thank you so much for having me on your beautiful blog to talk about The Coffee Pot Book Club!

    1. And thank you so much for joining me here today!
