Guest Post: Helen Hollick's Ghost Encounters

The Lingering Spirits of North Devon... But Are They Vikings Or Saxons? By Helen Hollick (With daughter Kathy Hollick) Everyone assumes that...

Friday, 8 January 2021

Authors who help Authors: Pauline Barclay and Chill with a Book

The last post in this mini-series about supportive authors discussed reviews for historical fiction but of course, not all fiction fits into that category. This week I'm delighted to welcome as my guest Pauline Barclay, the instigator and owner of Chill Awards and a prolific author in her own right.

AW: Welcome to the blog Pauline!

PB: Hello Annie, a HUGE thank you for inviting me to your wonderful Blog and asking me talk about my other baby, Chill Awards for independent authors. I hope I don’t get too carried away... 😊

AW: I'm sure you won't! Enthusiasm is always catching so please feel free to tell us all about what you do. Firstly can I ask, what inspired you to set up Chill with a Book Awards and how does it work?

PB: Chill Awards is for independent authors and is designed to shine a spotlight on amazing books from indie authors. I have always tried to find ways to help others and especially independent authors. After a great deal of thinking, checking various sites and noting that many awards for authors excluded independent authors, I set up Chill Awards in September 2016. Chill Awards is a Readers’ Award. Each book in the Award Programme is read by an equal number of readers. Each reader answers five questions and rates each question between 1 – 5 (5 being a resounding, yes). Depending on the final total, from the evaluations, a book, if awarded, will receive either a Readers’ Award or a Premier Readers’ Award. Comments from readers are encouraged. All comments as passed onto the author, but I must stress, that all readers are only known by me. Readers are anonymous to authors and to each other.

Anyone wishing to submit a book should go to Chill Awards’ site and fill in the form with the details of their book and name / pen name. 

AW: Why do you think that independent reviews are so important for Indie Authors especially?

PB: Independent authors are responsible for everything about the publication of their book from editing, book cover design to marketing. They are on their own to bring their book to the widest audience possible, so recognition from readers is an endorsement of their hard work. Awards and reviews offer an author another tool to promote further their book that is competing with many thousands.

AW: It is so good to know that such avenues are open for authors. I happen to know that Chill with a Book isn't the only way you help authors though. Can you tell us a little about some of the other features/series on your blog? 

PB: If I can, I like to help authors in anyway I can. I help people with proof reading, help with writing and many other aspects if I can. Inviting wonderful people to my Blog is also something I love doing. To make it interesting, I try to come up with different ideas for authors to participate. The latest feature on my Blog is, Coincidences. (AW: I'm thrilled that my own Coincidence story will be featured in this series!) I have asked guests to write a short story on a coincidence in their life. This feature has been amazingly received and there are all fantastic stories, one or two will have the hairs on the back of your neck rising!  

AW: I can't wait to read those! Meanwhile, what about your own writing? Can you tell people a little about your own books; anything new in the pipeline for 2021?

PB: I have seven books published and whilst the stories are emotional, they will always leave the reader with a feel good feeling. Two of my books were inspired by true events; Magnolia House, my debut novel and The Wendy House. I met the people behind these stories and whilst my books are fiction, the idea for each book came from the people, who, by telling their tale, made me cry and brought out the writing in me to share their story.

As for something new, I have written over 35,000 words on a new book, but for now I’ve had to put it to one side. I have started a novella, but we will see. The nightmare of our lives does not always bring out the best creativity in me at times, but I plan to keep working on getting these two stories finished… one day!

Once again, Annie, thank you for allowing me to chatter about one or two of my passions!

AW: Thank you so much for talking to me today Pauline and for all the work you do to support other authors.

Readers can connect with Pauline:



Instagram: @paulinebarclay


Chill Awards:

And you can learn more about one of her characters on a post we did a while ago, about fictional characters and their occupations


Sunday, 3 January 2021

Authors who help Authors: Helen Hollick & Discovering Diamonds

Welcome to the first in a short series turning the spotlight on authors who help other authors.

There are many ways that writers can support each other and offering reviews is one of them.

Discovering Diamonds (#DDRevs) was the brainchild of Helen Hollick, a prolific and successful author in her own right, who set up Discovering Diamonds a few years ago to provide a platform for reviews of historical novels.

To kick off the series, I chatted to Helen and asked her to explain what it's all about.

AW: Welcome to the blog Helen. Can I start by asking what inspired you to set up Discovering Diamonds and how does it work?

HH: I had been the Managing Editor for Indie Reviews for the Historical Novel Association for over five years, but in 2016 I felt it time to establish something a little more independent that had a major focus on indie and self-published authors, rather than traditional mainstream. Most of my previous review team came with me – a super group of people made up of dedicated readers, authors and editors –  and so Discovering Diamonds came into being on January 1st 2017.

I had no intention of getting involved with any finances, nor with receiving or posting out physical copies of novels – technology has advanced enough with e-editions to eliminate costly sending of actual books. Plus, the majority of readers prefer a Kindle (or similar device) where reviewing is concerned, so I request mobi (preferably) or  correctly formatted PDF ARC files. (These only go out to selected reviewers and are deleted after being read.)

Our aim is to promote good books worth reading regardless of whether it is written by an indie author or someone established with a well-known publishing company. I do not even ask for, or include, a publisher’s details as a good book is a good book no matter who published it or how! We publish three reviews a week, and these are all four or five-star standard.  

AW: To have one's book declared a Diamond is a badge of honour, I know, but why do you think independent reviews are so important for Indie Authors especially?

HH: Even after all this time, indie and self-published novels are still (erroneously!) regarded as ‘vanity’ and of little worth. Indie writers are, all too often, not taken seriously as authors – alas literary snobbishness is still rife. With better technology, ease of access to professional editors, cover designers and formatters etc there is no reason why a good writer cannot produce a good book. The disadvantage is that most indie writers have a small budget and no access to nation- or even world-wide marketing. No book, no matter how superb it is, will sell if no one knows about it. 

Social Media platforms are an indie author’s shop window, but even then word of mouth about good books worth reading is essential. This is where honest, constructive, reviews come into play.

Yes, at Discovering Diamonds we will say if we felt a book was a brilliant story, but could do with another edit, or that there were a few too many typos. We also like to encourage new authors – maybe this first novel could do with some more polishing but the author has potential, so watch this space for Book Two! 

I post a link on Twitter and Facebook to each review, and where I can, copy the entire review on and Goodreads. (Alas I can no longer do so on .com as well.)

AW: It's a great and generous way to help authors feel that they're not alone out there in the Indie publishing world. I happen to know however that reviews aren't the only way #DDRevs helps authors. Can you tell us a little about some of the other features of the site?)

HH: Every December I like to take a break from posting reviews, so I invite authors to submit a short story. The first year the theme was to be ‘diamonds’ (for obvious reasons) but then I hit on the idea of stories connected to a song... why is Daniel leaving on a plane? Who is dreaming of a white Christmas? Who is making a telephone call to say ‘Hello?’ These stories were not to be about the song, but inspired by it. An added twist was that the reader would read the story and guess which song inspired it... the authors involved have grown quite adept at hiding the clues!

I also have Guest Spots on Sundays, featuring authors and their books, a cover and book selection of the month (and then of the year) – and anything else I can think of to help promote authors.

AW: What about your own writing? Can you tell people a little about your own books (I believe you've branched off in a new and exciting direction very recently and the picture to the left is a bit of a clue...) 

HH: I have been a published author since 1994, with a few historical novels under my belt and a nautical adventure series – the Sea Witch Voyages (Voyage six is in progress, although slowly) I’ve written nonfiction about pirates and smugglers, and have now diversified into the realm of the ‘cosy mystery’. 

A Mirror Murder is the first in the Jan Christopher Mystery series. It is set in the 1970s and based around my thirteen years of experience working in a London suburb public library ... believe me, I have a lot of anecdotes, although I confess, not one single murder – that bit is entirely made up! Jan is my library assistant protagonist, her uncle and guardian is DCI Toby Christopher ... and the action starts when he introduces Jan to his new young Detective Constable, Laurie Walker... I hope readers enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

AW: I'm delighted to say that I've read an advance review copy of A Mirror Murder and it's an excellent book!

For anyone wishing to connect with Helen or buy her books, here are all her links:

A Mirror Murder 


Amazon Author Page (Universal Link) 

Newsletter Subscription: 

Twitter: @HelenHollick

Discovering Diamonds Historical Fiction Review Blog (submissions welcome) :

All that it remains for me to do is to thank Helen, not only for being a guest on my blog today but also for her novels, which have given me hours of reading pleasure, and her tireless work in helping other authors. I take my hat off to her, whereas, as this photo shows, she likes to keep hers on!